How to develop a unified platform that would help analyze financial market, educate yourself within this field and share your experience with others


Private investor and entrepreneur in the financial sector.

Client’s Problem

Client required a web application that provides people with current news and educational information about finance markets. Portal had to serve as a place where people could freely exchange their knowledge about finance markets and could perform useful analysis and evaluation of their traded assets.


Provide accurate and latest information. analysis, views and news about finance markets as well as tools which people can use to analyse these markets and evaluate their traded assets. Create an online community where people from across the world can communicate and share their knowledge. Portal should educate about basics of investments.


Developed project from scratch that involved working with concepts like currency, equity and commodity. Indices and asset chart were used for this particular project. Data was used from reuter API by Cron for updates.

What’s been done

  • Large amount of data is being fetched, arranged and displayed on a daily basis
  • eStore page that provides training courses offered by regional training institutes
  • Personal account where one can create their portfolio
  • Multiple language feature
  • Different types of account levels, various memberships


Users can view data, videos, analysis, commentaries, education materials, paid blogs and calendars of events. They can communicate with experts and paid members, purchase training courses, publish their own analysis of the markets, write their own blogs, contribute to event calendar, purchase researched reports and real time charts. Users can easily create their financial portfolio.


Related service

External services

Will integrate trusted platforms into your business. OpenSource, MS Dynamics CRM, MS SharePoint

I will contact you today

Tasia Babicheva
Head of account management

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