How to easily collect and analyze big data load in order to evaluate the company's performance


The Ministry of Education is the state body responsible for the development of education, science and technology in the country.

Client’s Problem

To monitor the progress of the national program of scientific and technological development, it’s necessary to collect, update and process large amounts of data containing hundreds of different parameters. It is impossible to analyze them manually, but there was no ready-made monitoring system suitable for the client’s needs.


To develop a monitoring system to monitor the progress of the implementation of the state program of scientific and technological development. Provide updating and conversion of statistics. Visualize and present them to experts and the general public in a convenient form for viewing and analysis.


Developed high load informational analytical system, consisting of information blocks and an administrative interface for it’s configuration.

What’s been done

  • Collected and agreed on the system requirements
  • Created database with a multi level structure, where the data are presented in the form of “slices” for various categories, by year, region, data source and other indicators.
  • Implemented automatic download and update of data from external sources
  • Automated the calculation of new indicators based on the data entered
  • Designed a web interface with a built-in designer so that the client’s employees could independently edit the structure of the pages and their content.
  • Added custom graphs and charts to display analytical data
  • Filled with data and launched the system


The data required by the client’s analysts is automatically transferred to the informational analytical system. Through the administrative interface, certain types of graphs or charts are selected in order to represent this data and also descriptions and new dashboards, accessible for viewing by all users of the system. The schedule is published, updated and rebuilt automatically.

  • The system has dozens of various graphs and charts
  • More than 100 different indicators are updated and represented in real time


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Will integrate trusted platforms into your business. OpenSource, MS Dynamics CRM, MS SharePoint

I will contact you today

Tasia Babicheva
Head of account management

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